At the time of writing this article (23/8/17), our online fundraising total was £6795! We have also received over £1000 of donations in our buckets around Hull’s City Centre as well as over £500 that has been dropped off at Hull’s Guildhall. Our overall total is now well over £8000. This is an incredible amount that has been raised by the people of Hull.

Yesterday. Francis Mason, head of Conforti Organisation, updated us on how the funds we sent have been spent. Conforti purchased and packaged 1000 toiletry and sanitation packs. They then headed to the Curlbot Community that had been badly affected by the devastating mudslide and flooding. The packages were distributed to the community and those who were in most need of such aid. Reading Francis’ feedback from his visit to the community, it is clear that there is still much to be done to help those affected. We will continue to aid Conforti as much as possible. They are on the frontline and helping those in the devastated area and we are proud that we are able to help in some way. Again, from us and the people of Freetown, we thank you for your continued support.